Stop overreacting.

"Of course, Long back." Sam again pushed his tab towards her and played the video.

Kira's harassing five models or actors video played. Even though the male's face was blurred, it isn't difficult to for fans and netizens to find about them.

"Brother Jai is not there in the video. Where did you find these all clips?" Sky astounded.

"Why to bother to release statement from Harley and from your brother. Isn't this good?" Sam proudly replied.

"Impressive narcissistic"

Sam's mouth twitched, "Can't you even compliment in a better way?"

"If I am not wrong, only I can make you lose your temper, right?" Sky asked inquisitively.

Sam glowered at her. Sky laughed at his expression, "Undoubtedly!"

"You are very affable. Do you really have to show yourself as cold?" Sam's sudden remarks made Sky realize that she spoke to him more than usual.

She stopped laughing and stared at him. 'I hated this man guts. Don't I? Sky, Be sagacious, you shouldn't let anyone take advantage of you again.'

"Are you appointed because you are a psychiatrist?" Sky asked and watched him to see any change of expression.

"Nope, I selected this position for me."

"What do you mean?" Sky didn't understand what he meant but she understood there was something more she doesn't know about.

"What I mean is not important now. What is your next move?" Sam tried to divert the topic.

"Averting the topic?" She raised her brows. "Anyway, send that video to the wife of that CEO."

"Why to her? we can just viral it like previous. It will reach her." Sam didn't grasp it.

"It will ruin the family reputation. People will judge all family members due to one's mistake. That man cheated on his wife. She should decide what to do with him or that actress."

"Why do you care about them? Is it because Barton's faced humiliation because of you?" He raised his brow and waited for her reply.

"Don't guesstimate. Do your work." 

Sam furrowed his brow as she clenched her left fist and went back to his work. Sky called an unknown number.

"So the popular actress, oops, You aren't just a popular actress, You are super popular as a harasser?"

"You... Were you behind this?" Kira's voice was tremulous.

"You are right. Let me cut it short to save time for you. My first move was to show you Harley's power for threatening me. Second move to teach you what is not professionalism. My upcoming one to make you realize what you are worth."

"Who the hell are you?" Kira bawled.

"You will get to know soon sweetheart." Sky's mellow voice sounded in the office before she hung up the call.

Sam got goosebumps when he heard her. He started checking around him, under the chair, below the table.

"Stop overreacting." Sky said solemnly.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Ms.Sky, isn't your vengeance is cruel?"

"Who told her to touch my bottom line." Sky scoffed.

"Vengeful woman is really scary. Anyway, I have sent the video, anything else?" Sam threw his tab on the chair next to him and relaxed.

"I want that actress location and activity." Sky finished her work and started tidying her desk.