Am I a criminal?

"It's a good idea, but except my name, nobody knows how I look. And I don't attend gatherings, So rather than me. You should consider designing for Vice-president and my dad, they represent Harley to the media and public." Sky calmly gave her viewpoint.

"I respect your decision. I will contact Vice-president and Chairman regarding this." Anya replied.

"Ms.Sky, How about considering all higher level management as their public appearance is high too." Andy suggested.

"It's commendable that Mr.Gill came up with this idea. We can do that" Anya praised Andy.

"Are you sure you can make it without affecting the other work?" Sky asked Anya.

"We have a great team, we can manage it Ms.Sky." Anya replied confidently.

"Andy, mail all the directors regarding this so Ms.Merchant doesn't have to hang around. The first set of clothes will be paid by the company. if they need a customized or new set, they will have to pay for it."

"Ms.Merchant, anything else?" Sky turned asked Anya.

"Thank you for your consideration, Ms.Harley. I don't have anything else." Anya thanked heartily.

"You can contact my assistant or secretary for anything else. You don't have to wait for me to show your sincerity." Sky finished and stood up from her seat.

"Sure Ms.Harley." She followed and stood up too.

Sky strode towards the door and paused. After turning towards Anya, "Ms.Merchant, With the directors, include Andy and Lilly too."

"Sure Ms.Harley" Anya replied with a smile. Some people like to dig their own grave.

Again Anya called out Sky, "Ms. Sky, Shall I design a couple outfit for you two?"

Sky furrowed her brows, Andy stepped forward to answer her, Sky stopped him and spoke. "Ms.Merchant, If you want to design a couple outfit, you have to ask him and his wife for it. You are asking the wrong one. If you repeat again, you will be out of Harley."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Anya lowered her head and bit her lips.

"Ms.Merchant, Ms.Sky's identity shouldn't be exposed too, Hope you read the clauses in the agreement when you joined here." Andy reminded her to keep the secret.

Andy and Sky left after that. Anya sighed deeply. 'If they continued to glare at me, I would have fainted by now.' She patted on her chest and left the meeting room.


Even after a few weeks, the problems in the B city outlet wasn't resolved. Hence Sky decided to drop by on the weekend without affecting her other works.

When she was waiting in the resting lounge to board the plane, she noticed two men sitting opposite her and immediately identified them.

But she didn't feel the necessity to greet them and continued to work on her laptop till the boarding time. It's just a two-hour flight to B city.

Sky sat on her window seat in business class, Peter sat next to her and Sam sat behind her.

"Am I a criminal?" Sky asked Peter.

Peter smiled and put on his blindfold to sleep. Then Sky turned behind and checked Sam, He was blindfolded too.

She was speechless 'Are they here to keep me safe or to fly and dream?'