Child's play

She shook her head resignedly and opened her laptop to check the files which she downloaded before boarding.

After landing in the B city, three left in a car which was arranged by the Harley subsidiary company in the B city. Peter drove the car, Sam slept in the shotgun seat and Sky sat behind.

"Peter, Why do you guys look tired?" Sky asked in confusion.

"We didn't sleep last night." Peter said the matter of fact.

"Oh, I thought your work is only to guard me when I am outside." Sky said it and yawned.

"You should take a nap in the hotel before going to the mall." Peter saw her through the rearview mirror.

Sky wasn't sleepy, But looking at their tried face, she decided to go to the hotel. "Alright."

"You still have a conscience." It wasn't Peter's voice. Sky furrowed her brows and looked outside ignoring Sam.

Peter reminded her many times not to leave the hotel alone before he went to his room. Sky soon got bored in her room and since she promised she waited for a little more time, then got ready to go out.

As she opened the door, she got scared of seeing Sam standing in front of the door. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you knock?"

Sky exited the room, "Are you guys up? Can we go now?"

Sam nodded and led the way, Sky looked back and saw no one, "Peter?"

"He is waiting downstairs." Sam gave a faint reply. Peter drove them to the City mall.

After reaching the mall, Peter stayed in the car, Sam and Sky went to Harley fashion outlet.

Sky saw many people entering and exiting the outlet. Instead of getting inside, Sky went to the cafe opposite the outlet and sat near the table which had a good view of the outlet.

"Why are we sitting here?" Sam asked Sky.

"Scrutinization." Sky replied and concentrated on her observation.

Sam took out his tab and wireless keyboard out and started working on it. After a few minutes, he moved his tab in front of Sky.

Sky mouth twitched, "Are you allowed to hack anywhere you want?"

Sam ignored her question and took a sip of his coffee. Sky concentrated on her work and it wasn't difficult for her to identify the problem.

Salesgirls only concentrated on servicing the well-off looking customers and ignored others. Even in the stocks arrangement had different. Scary looking formally dressed two guards were present inside.

"Can you control them alone if anything happens? Or shall we call Peter?" Sky showed him two men in the tab.

"Child's play" Sam was confident.

"Then let's go." Sky replied as she took her bag and strode towards the entrance.

Sky looked classy in her formal white blouse, dark green trousers, and long-down jacket, and black pumps with black Prada handbag.

Sam was in a Black long down jacket with hoodie, jeans pant and a white Tshirt with his Ankle boots. He naturally attracted the sales girls in the outlet who swooned over him.

"Hello, Sir, Miss. Welcome to Harley Fashions." A salesgirl greeted them.

Sky looked at her who was completely infatuated by his looks. Then she looked at Sam, He completely ignored the salesgirl and was looking around.