Sister Sky, Don't be bias.

Next day morning, Sky finished her training and went to the dining room to drink the juice. She heard a familiar voice from outside.

"... don't talk behind other's back. If you have a problem, go talk with her directly."

Sky decided to ignore and continued to drink. A girl's impolite voice heard again, "Mind your business. I was saying the fact..."

Sky went near the window to have a look, Sam and Jessica were talking. Jessica back was facing to Sky. Sky saw Sam in his cold behavior but couldn't see Jessica's face.

"... took a small bracelet from her so many collections. Did she have to create a scene for that? If she wanted, she would have asked me, Why did she have to act mighty in front of all. Such a despicable woman...." Jessica went on and on.

Sam's face started getting darker and clenched his fist to control himself. Sky looked at him and ran outside from the main door.