Peace before strom

Jessica panicked after hearing Sky and checked if there was any camera nearby. She saw a camera which wasn't even ten meters away.

"Tab." Sky extended her hand towards Sam. The latter obediently gave his tab.

'If Loran listens to Jessica talking about me, he will break up with her. So I just have to skip that part and show the video.' Sky thought to herself and checked the surveillance video.

Before she could play the video, Jessica released herself from the hug and snatched the tab from her. "Sister Sky, No need of that. I must have misunderstood what he said that's why I started crying."

Sky took the tab back, "It's ok Jessica, If he said something offensive to you, I will make him pay back ten folds of it."

"Sister... Sister Sky, I... I was too sensitive at that time. Leave... Leave this matter."

Sky saw her panic state, "Fine, What about your boyfriend?" Sky looked at Loran.