She is the one who drinks my blood like a mosquito.

"Miss, Old master and others are waiting for you in the dining room for breakfast. please come soon." the maid broke into a sweat when saying and ran out as soon as she finished.

Sky strode near railing in front of her room and shouted on top of her lungs, "Dad!... Dad."

Everybody ran towards the living room. Excluding David, everybody was frightened.

"What happened?"

"Sister Sky, what's wrong?" Loran finished saying and ran upstairs. Jai followed him.

"In. My. Room. Right. Now." Sky said a word after a word clearly and loudly.

After saying Sky went in stood in front of the wardrobe. Loran entered and searched all the room to find nobody and nothing. As Jai entered, He noticed her line of sight and understood immediately He simply chuckled and stood beside her.

"Sister Sky, there is nobody and no insect too. Why are you in a foul mood?" He noticed a wardrobe and checked inside if there are any insects of weird stuff.