I will not listen to you

Sky turned towards David, "Chairman Harley If nothing else, we should wind up."

David understood she lost her patience to sit the meeting. Soon he winded up and took them to dinner after resting in the hotel. Sky returned to her office and finished her day's work.

After a few days, Sky received the call from Loran during a morning meeting. She held back the meeting and received the call.

"Loran! What's up?" Sky asked right away.

"Sister Sky, Can you remove a post from social media or can your company do that?" Loran was panicking.

"Of course we can, But what's the matter? What happened?" Sky was demented.

"Jess uploaded your picture with a caption of your name and your position in the Harley Corporation." Loran continued saying, Sky signaled Andy to dismiss the meeting and rushed to her office.

"I mean it says, 'With the President of the Harley, Sky Harley'" Loran was dreaded.