How many could she block?

During the meeting, Sky again received the call. Since it was from an unknown number she rejected the call. Her mobile rang again, Sky kept in silent mode and continued meeting. But she never can imagine that call rejection would trigger the caller to strike on her.

After the meeting, She called the unknown number from which she received the call. But the number was off.

Later She wasn't able to concentrate on the work. Hence to calm herself, She called David, George, and Georgia. After knowing they are doing fine, she went back to work.

During lunch, She received a call from an unknown number. She answered the call.

"Hello, Who is this?" Sky asked.

"Hello se*y, you look so h*t in the picture. Can't wait to touch your t*ts..." A disgusting voice heard on the other end of the call.

Sky choked up on her food and coughed arduously right after hanging up the call. She drank water and calmed herself.