Stop putting on a facade Sky

"Sure!" Sky wrote down her name as Sky Barton, Harley corporation address and her number.

She went inside to take and bag before leaving. When she came out, the manager approached her again, "Miss, She is one of our customers. She liked your design and wants one for her. I hope you have no problem with that."

"Sure, It's not a problem." Sky replied and saw a lady who turned towards her. She paused for a second and moved towards the exit.

"Sky! Not you again... Why are you running away from me?" Lady blocked Sky from going out.

Sky stopped and looked at her without bothering to answer.

"B city to capital city, are you finding an opportunity to meet me or are you stalking me? I know you are envious of me." Lady mocked Sky in front of everyone.

Sky still had no expression. It naturally hurt that lady's ego. She was about to say something when Sam laughed at her.