Did you love him?

Sky gave a faint smile to Savanna which poured oil to the latter's anger and she left fuming after pointing her forefinger at Sky like a warning.

Sky and Sam sat in a cafe in the mall. Sky tried to analyze what's going on with Andy? What must have happened to him? She knew she was his last option hence he came to her.

Sky didn't ask anything when they met thinking he may feel bad. But now she wanted to know what happened. She wanted to know from him than knowing from others.

"Call Andy here." Sky looked at Sam and asked.

Sam saw her thinking and being quite from the time she heard about Andy. He didn't want her to fret over the past. "I don't have his number." He replied.

Sky extended her hand took his phone and dialed Andy's number. The line went through and Andy received after the three rings.

"Hello! Andy here."