Chipmunk, I'm sorry.

"Next Thursday. My third date girl, she is the one who I will be marrying... Oh! sorry, I forgot to inform you... Hey, I'm getting her call, Talk to you later." He hung up on Sky's call and answered Savanna.

"Did I disturb your call?" Savanna's sweet voice sounded on another end.

"No, no darling. It wasn't an important call. I told Sky about our engagement."

"Sky?" Savanna heard that name for the first time.

"Yeah, Sky Barton, My best friend." Andy replied nonchalantly.

"Andy, My parents will not like if you have a girl best friend, I hope you don't mind if I ask you to stay away from her."

"Oh, No problem, I will stay away." Andy replied again without any hesitation.

Soon their engagement ceremony completed but he didn't even invite Sky who he called a Best friend all the time. Sky knew it was on Thursday that Andy was getting engaged but she didn't know about the venue as Andy didn't call her.