I don't think it's a good idea.

"Andy, What did you talk to her so secretly? Why didn't you talk when I was here? Didn't I tell you to stop talking with her?" savanna scowled.

"Savanna, that's enough. Because of you, I haven't talked to her properly for three months." Andy's cold voice didn't make any difference to Savanna. Suddenly he felt, She was not the same girl who he spoke every day. She looked vicious for the first time.

"Are you regretting now? Andy, speak, If you have a problem with our engagement, We will break it." Savanna strode out after saying and hailed a taxi and left.

Andy didn't run behind her and not even called her. Andy went back to his home in his car. He contemplated and messaged Sky. Sky's reply soon came as usual. They chatted as if three months never existed. he felt lighthearted after having a conversation with her.

"Are you free tomorrow? Shall we meet?" Andy sent a message to Sky.