Teach him how to write a resignation

Instead of sitting, he served him a glass of water as he shivered, "President Smith. How come you are here?"

"I will be working as your CEO's secretary's assistant from today." Arlo replied nonchalantly.

The director was flabbergasted thinking why will the mighty CEO and president of Sigma will be working as a mere assistant of a secretary.

Seeing that the director was dazed, Arlo spoke after checking his nameplate on the work desk. "Director Jain, Have a seat, I will call Chairman Harley." Arlo dialed David's number.

After greeting each other, Arlo came to the point, "Chairmain Harley, I hope you can help me keep my identity a secret from your company employees. Currently, I'm sitting in Director. Jain's office."

Then Arlo passed his mobile to Director Jain. Latter kept agreeing for whatever David asked him to do then he passed the mobile back to Arlo after hanging up.

"Are... Are you really going to work here? But why?" Director Jain asked curiously.