You don't have to come from tomorrow

"Yes, Ms.Sky". Arlo replied to her in a gentle voice rather than cold tone he uses for others.

"Andy, He is from a business studies background, I don't think he will take a long time to learn things. You don't have to be lenient on him just because of Chairman Harley. Understood?"

"Understood! Ms.Sky" Andy replied and was about to leave when they heard the tap on the table.

Sky eyed Arlo and spoke without any expression as cold tone resounded in the room, "Don't even dream to slack off thinking my Dad will save you. I will not think twice to throw you out."

Arlo pursed his lips and nodded, "I will do my best." And left the room.

But he didn't know one day he will have to get screwed up because he personally took care of work and Sky would leave to town A.

He never thought somebody will dare to call him by tapping on the desk.
