Loran sold me off

Arlo caught up to Sky and followed quietly. Sky could feel the presence behind her.

"Arlo, Don't you get annoyed when you get those stares?" Sky asked.

Arlo went next to her, "Of course. But I don't get the attention from whom I want." He saw how Sky hardly looked at him for half a day.

Sky glanced at him, "Of course, Not everybody will be interested in your enticing face."

Sky paused a second when she noticed the mole. But Arlo didn't notice any changes.

Sky got images of touching his mole but she wasn't sure if that was her illusion or dream or she had done it. She lightly shook her head and dispersed her thoughts.

"Andy! Order anything for me, Loran and ..." She wasn't sure what to call Joe as. "and for the guest. Thank you."

Andy replied and left her in the office.

Sky was rendered speechless when she saw Loran and Joe talking and laughing merrily. Sky fished her phone and sent the photo of them to Jai.

"Loran sold me off(crying emojis)