He hardly got time to sleep.

For lunch, Arlo followed Andy to the office cafeteria. He attracted lots of attention and the latter also felt uncomfortable to eat under the curious gazes of many people.

Arlo mentally decided not to enter the cafeteria again. Later till the end of the day, he didn't even see a glimpse of Sky. When Jai entered their floor, both nodded at each other as a greeting.

Andy informed about some miscellaneous things to Arlo before calling it for the day.


In Milton House

President Milton got the information that Sky was safe and sound but when he got to know about Joe meeting Sky and staying in Harley corporation for the whole day, he smashed every possible thing he got to hands.

He vented his anger on everyone he saw.


More than two weeks completed, Arlo was just an assistant of Andy in Harley and he was working all evening in Sigma. When he was about to regret his decision of joining Harley, he got new hope.