You will be my secretary.

Andy reported about the one month progress of Arlo to Sky.

Sky had kept track of his work from the beginning hence she wasn't surprised by his work. She asked Andy to send Arlo to her office.

Arlo entered and greeted Sky. Latter asked him to sit before asking, "Arlo, Where did you complete your masters'?"

"University of Oxford" Arlo replied the fact.

"Why are you working here?" Sky asked. She knew he has the efficiency to start a new business and even surpass Harley.

Arlo took a while and answered, "Since its Uncle Harley's company."

"Oh!" Sky rested back on her seat and asked, "Do you want to open a new company?"

Arlo was surprised. He already has Sigma why will he want to open a new company?

Seeing his surprised look Sky continued. "You have the capability to run a bigger company than Harley. So why don't you give a try? I will support financially, you run your company. Interested?"