I can help you study

"Andy will brief you about your position and the work you are responsible to do. Your five months probation period will continue. Work well." Sky finished saying and went back to her file.

Andy and Arlo left from her table, But Arlo returned to her, "Ms.Sky, Do you want to study business management?"

Sky raised her brows for not knowing why he asked. Arlo continued, "You don't have to go to college to learn about it and to get graduation. There are many colleges where you just have to go and write the exam. If you don't care about graduation certificate, you can still learn."

"Oh!" It picked Sky's interest. She asked more about how it works. Arlo explained everything to her patiently. Probably this was his first time talking so much.

"I can give a try. But finding somebody to tutor me according to my work schedule is difficult. Self-study takes a longer time." Sky said as she thought about it.