Shall we leave?

Arlo liked her all versions. It may be acting cute and lazy with her brothers, spoiled daughter with father, encouraging employees and even helping them if needed, Her aloof, arrogant and formidable side too.

Some times she was easier to understand and sometimes she will be totally unexpected. Her interest to know about things she doesn't know always amused him. She will be ready to learn it even if its from the cleaner of the office.

He always thought about how will she behave if they really started dating. He really looked forward to it.

Arlo was dazed in his thoughts and didn't hear Sky, "Arlo!" Sky shook his arm.

"Huh?" Arlo saw her standing next to him. He didn't even know when she approached him.

"Are you fine?" Sky saw his face turning red hence she made him sit and gave him water.

Sky touched his forehead, "Do you have a fever? or are you feeling unwell?"