Aren't you overboard today?

Arlo was sitting opposite her on the round dining table. She lost interest to ask and watched outside till they finished ordering.

At last, they all ordered about twenty-three dishes. Since Sky knew their appetite, she ordered a complete case of quality wine.

When the waiters started to server starters, Ryan entered and asked Sky, "Ms.Harley, I hope it will be no trouble If I join you guys for dinner."

Sky identified him and glanced at Arlo before responding, "Mr.Ray, It's not at all a problem."

Ryan sat next to Arlo. He adjusted himself on the chair as he spoke to Arlo, "How can you ditch me for dinner? Thank me, I came to accompany you."

Arlo held his collar and pulled next to him and said in a low pitch, "Mr.Wilson, Do I really need your company?"

Ryan shuddered and loosened himself from him. "Behave yourself in front of Ms.Harley." He had learned to use Sky's name for escaping from him and it actually worked whenever he used it.