You should control yourself

"Ahhhh. My ear!" Ethan started to cry when she held his ear.

"When you were attacked again, Dad restricted me from contacting you if in case I disturb you and even confiscated my mobile. He sent me here after seeing your message."

"Can you leave my ear now? You will detach it." Ethan cried after explaining his situation.

"Oh!" Sky gave a short response and asked the manager who was standing outside to arrange a set of cutleries for Ethan.

Ethan's last sentence caused laughter in the room except two.

Arlo's face was dark, Ryan was scared thinking Arlo's might do something or he may release his anger in the company or on him. He greatly regretted joining the dinner.

Ryan tried to convince destressed Arlo but it only intensified.

Ethan noticed two new around the table and asked Sky. "He is Arlo, My secretary. Another one is his friend Mr.Ray."

Ethan waved his hand at them but got a reply from Ryan only. Sky teased Ethan, "See, He has prettier face than you."