You should pay extra attention

David's assistant quickly lowered his head when he subconsciously saw Sky glaring him.

"Lass, I'm not giving in this time." David was back to stubborn mode.

Sky rolled her eyes, "Can they come?" Sky pointed Sam and Clark.

David nodded. Sky asked, "Clark, you want to come?"

"Sister Sky, I... I..." Clark didn't want to go.

Sky understood from his expression and turned to Sam, "Are you coming? is your brother invited?"

Sam nodded, "Brother Dan is attending. I..." Sam looked at David who nodded in response. "I will attend."

"Great then, Dad I'm coming with you and Sam will also come. Importantly, My identity will be Sky Barton or else I will not come." She made her stance clear.

David agreed, "You will be my assistant, happy?"

Sky hummed and checked the dress code, evening gown for woman and suit for men. She had AG's gowns so no shopping required. David had many suits. "Sam, Do you want to buy a suit?"