Be careful

David let out a chuckle as he left, "Lass, Are you planning to make some rivals here?"

"Dad, I didn't start it." Sky said and continued to talk about other things. She wasn't the one to pick on anybody but that didn't mean she would listen to somebody's nonsense.

"Looks like Chairman Harley is busy with a beautiful girl." A man in the sixties interrupted David and Sky.

"Chairman Lan!" David shook his hands with chairman Lan who was with a young man in his late twenties.

"It's her first time at the business party, so I was telling her about some stuff." David explained.

"Your daughter?" Chairman Lan's eyes twinkled looking at Sky.

"My assistant!" David didn't deny his doubt but just told them, what's her identity for the evening.

Sky saw a glint of disappointment in Chairman Lan's eyes. She shifted her eyes to the young man and was amused.

"He is my son, Kris. You must have met him." Chairman Lan introduced his son Kris Lan who was president and CEO of Kris international.