You are a wierdo

When Sky got a perverted man after a few changes, Sky warned him to behave. When he still tried to rub her back, Sky stepped her heels on his foot and drilled it with a smile on her face. Since her gown was floor-sweeping nobody could see it.

When Sky reached the next dancer, that man had fallen on the floor holding his leg. Sam and David noticed it and laughed. Arlo shot a glance at Ryan to deal with that man knowing what would have happened.

Sky didn't notice her dance partner was Milan until he spoke, "Ms.Barton, Why do you run away from me?"

Sky's lips twitched when she heard the voice, "Because you look down on a woman and you are a weirdo?"

Sky knew he wasn't a good man hence she tried to avoid him and she doesn't have to care about him either.

Milan was speechless for a movement. "Ms.Barton, shouldn't you think of yourself as lucky for meeting a prince charming?"