Kicked up fuss

"Don't even dare to abscond." Arlo warned him and started stabbing the chicken steak on his plate.

"You know me for fifteen years. You started working with me from six years back. But you didn't even recognize me when I came to you." Arlo said a word for a word.

Ryan was perplexed but sympathized the chicken steak licking his lips.

Arlo continued to speak, "Then how did she recognize me?"

Ryan whose concentration was on steak, couldn't understand who Arlo was talking about, "She?"

Arlo ignored his question, "Since we don't have office tomorrow, should we go to Harley mansion?"

Ryan's mouth twitched, "We are leaving tonight to country X for finalizing a business deal. Your presen..."

Arlo cut in and said with a smile on his face which freaked Ryan, "I know you are capable of handling it alone."

"But they are a very important client, you can't lea..." Ryan was cut in again.

"I can't?" Arlo raised his brow. "Are you sure I can't?"