
"You are behaving like brother Jai. It's not so cold" Sky said as she wore the jacket.

"If you get cold, your brother will hunt me down." Sam replied as he cuffed the sleeves.

Sky just laughed but didn't say anything about it, she peeked at Jimmy once before asking. "Sam! I may sound nosy. I know Jimmy has a girlfriend. Did they quarrel?"

"He used to have a bright smile whenever he was looking at his mobile lock screen picture. Now he looks sad. He just looks happy on the exterior."

"You are nosy." Sam motioned her to sit and sat next to her.

"Seriously! I saw his pictures on the camera. He is smiling but he not happy. I mean he is showing us as happy but he is not actually..." Sam cut her off.

"Her wedding is in fifteen days. She broke up with him." Sam told her.

Sky was shocked and was about to say something, Sam spoke again, "Let's not talk about it now. I will tell next time."