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After some time Sam noticed her dozing off. He woke her up and sent her to the tent before he went to his tent. Then Arlo woke up and went to his tent.


Sky woke up to the chirping of birds at five in the morning. She took her brush and toothpaste before going out.

Sky saw Arlo caressing a white-tailed deer that had bucks.

Seeing the antelopes, She went behind him and asked, "Can I touch them too?"

Arlo saw her who was almost hiding behind him. Arlo hummed and pulled her front. Hesitatingly she touched it.

"Don't worry, it will not do anything."

She was always scared of every type of animal. She never allowed keeping dogs even when Loran requested her. How much ever they looked cute, she would never agree to be with any animals.

She gathered her courage and touched again then she caressed its head.

When Arlo was backing off to leave her space, she tugged his T-shirt tight, "Don't! I'm scared of animals."