
Seeing Ryan frantically search for the picture, Arlo showed his mobile, "This one?"

Ryan saw the picture as he stood up and boasted asking for praises, "Yeah! Am I not good?"

Arlo rolled eyes and was leaving, Ryan spoke, "Then, I'm not giving you this." He waved his mobile to show another picture.

Arlo didn't get a clear look hence he tried to snatch the mobile but Ryan acted quickly and kept in his pocket.

"If you want, appreciate me and give your Lambo for one month. Or else you can forget the picture."

Arlo shot him daggers but Ryan smiled, "You can send me to Uganda. Agree in five seconds or forget the picture. I. will. delete. it."

"Five... Four... Three..." Arlo cut him off.

"You are the best brother I could get and you can use my Lambo." Arlo said it and stretched his hand. "If the picture is not up to the mark... Forget about all your cars."