Sky was just nineteen

They had no idea why dinner was arranged until Sky entered the lawn with Sam holding his arm. Then he heard Ethan saying to Ryan that Sam's jacket was Sky's gift which she designed herself.

He enviously looked at Sam. He was disappointed when Sky didn't even notice him and went with Mia.

The way she hobnobbing with a little girl, it touched his heart. He started thinking if they marry, will they have a cute daughter like her or a son.

Knowing his thoughts running wild, he shook his head and gulped down the wine. Seeing her sitting next to her, he remembered she was asking help to eat lobster. So he took the lobster and wore gloves to separate meat from the shell of the lobster.

"Ms.Sky!" Arlo called.

"Sky!" Sam called.

"Lass!" David called.

With just a second difference three men called Sky. She looked at three and the plates in their hands.