We should rest now

 Andy slammed on the brake. But the red car again changed the lane and sped off without caring about the bike rider.

Sky clearly saw what happened and let out a shriek. She was shivering in her seat while Andy tried to comfort her.

Sky noticed people gathering around the bike but not helping, She got down from the car and checked on the bike rider.

That man still had the helmet on, blood was oozing out from his body, muscles in his one leg was slashed open. It was an obnoxious scene.

It took her a few seconds to compose and shouted at Andy. "Call the ambulance now"

Then she went near the rider and removed his helmet and zipper of his jacket.

She saw his half-open eyes, "Hang-on, you will be saved." Her voice was hoarse.

She checked his pulse and breathing. But she couldn't identify properly. Then she took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves and checked again.