Arlo chapter is over

Georgia was the first one to react, "Our princess is beautiful in all types of dress."

Sky smiled and darted a look at Loran and Jai. Loran stood up and went to her with a poker face.

He held her hand took her to her room and ordered before closing the door, "Change and come down."

Sky perplexedly changed soon and went back to the table. She nudged Jai and raised her brows asking what happened. "He will not let you wear that dress tomorrow."

When Jai finished speaking, Loran spoke as he pointed at the couch where another paper bag was present, "Sister Sky, Wear the dress which is in THAT BAG tomorrow."

Sky nodded but asked in confusion, "Dress which I wore now was gorgeous. Why not that?"

Jai smiled and waited for Loran to hear his reason. Loran shot her a glance before saying, "I am in no mood to pluck the eyes of men."