Don't work too much

Sky assigned other works to Andy and Arlo. Then she spoke to David, "Chairman Harley! You don't have to worry about anything related to work. The most important thing is please don't bully these two."

"If anything needs my attention, call me... I will check mails, so you can keep me updated there. Anything else?"

Sky spoke for about twenty minutes about work before asking them. Sky saw David rubbing his temples. The expressionless face of Arlo. Andy was trying to speak something but he controlled looking at David.

Sky answered for him knowing what was going on his head, "Andy! I'm in town A. I'm not sure when I will be back. Anything else you want to ask?"

Andy shook his head, "Nothing Ms.Sky"

"Andy! you can leave now." David told to Andy.

Once he left the office, David spoke, "Look at your desk. There is already a small heap. If you don't come this week, then it will increase."