Sky again lost to Jai

They shopped till lunchtime. After lunch, they again shopped an hour before returning back home. When they reached the Barton house, Brian was still standing there.

"Sam!" Sky cried out before getting down from the car. Sam messaged Ryan as he entered inside the house with the other three.

Sky rested in her room before leaving for Jai's indoor sports club.

-- In Harley corporation --

After the video call with Sky, Arlo turned to David. The latter's head throbbed thinking what to do with his daughter.

David saw Arlo looking at him and said the fact, "She trusts your ability and it saved you. Let's see how long you can pull off. If she gets to know you are the Arlo Smith, she will kick you out. So be prepared." Then he waved his hand to send Arlo.

He hadn't reached the door when David called, "President Smith!"

Arlo turned around to face him, "Yes?"