It's a surprise

Loran explained why Sky's game was similar to Jai.

Sky added at last, "It's not perfect like him. I lose footing many times and I have many leg movements weakness. Brother Jai knows it better."

"Oh! We couldn't tell that. What about Jai Barton? Do he have any weakness?" Clark asked inquisitively.

Sky smiled but didn't answer. Loran answered for her, "Apparently Brother Jai has two weaknesses in the game. Only Sister Sky and Brother Jai's coach knows about it. And Sister Sky never tells Brother Jai's weaknesses to anybody, not even to me."

All five left sports club in three cars back home. Sky and Jai got fresh before going to have dinner with others.


Next day

After eating breakfast, all decided to watch a comedy movie. Sam and Clark had no other option, so they also decided to join them.

In the first-floor living area, There was wide U shaped Prussian blue sofa facing the fifty-two-inch smart television.