You are Sky

Her heels made little noise when she went down with them. Sam and Clark turned together towards them. They were a sight to see.

Sky was holding on to Loran's arms and talking with Jai when they descended. Three looked happy as the smile didn't leave from their lips. Both noticed the tiny mix and match in their outfit.

Clark mumbled, "Why do I feel jealous whenever I look at these three together?"

Sam heard him but didn't respond and returned to his work. George and Georgia who entered saw the trio and as a wide smile crept on their faces. Georgia hugged trio before entering in.

Sky informed Sam before leaving, "You two should go and try some food in the snack street. Or else, inform mom if you are having dinner at home."

Sam waved his hand to send her off and not to worry about them. Sky hopped on Jai's car, Loran took his vanquish and left to their school at five.