Sky likes President Smith(2)

"Huh?" David looked at her and got up seeing her standing up.

"It must have hard on you." Sky said as she hugged him holding Mia in her arms.

David didn't understand why she was saying that all of a sudden with the sympathetic look until Sky pointed Mia by her chin. David also made a pitiful look and spoke, "Show this old man some pity and get married. Then I can see my grandchildren grow up."

Sky regretted saying it and looked innocently at David and replied, "If I get married, don't my CHILDREN play more with their father's parents and less with you. So why don't I adopt some and get them here?"

David's lips twitched. It was his turn to regret what he said. Thinking she would actually do it, he objected, "No, We already have an orphanage. Let me look after my child for now. Go to sleep. Goodnight."

"But Dad! Grandchildren?" Sky asked purposefully. "I don't want them." David said in a hurry.