Sky likes President Smith(3)

Arlo leaned back on the seat and said casually, "That's my laptop."

Ryan was shocked to the core and didn't dare to make a single sound. Hacking Arlo's password would be like a man looking for death. All his laptops were updated by himself with his unbreakable codes. If anybody tries to hack, it will automatically send the location and all possible information to Arlo.

Arlo got up and left the study. Ryan followed him out and sat on the shotgun seat. Arlo slammed on the gas and soon they reached the Legacy hotel.

After entering the room, he saw everything was in its place with his laptop too. He checked the position of it which meant it didn't move a little. He always kept his laptop at a particular place which he never forgets, even if it moves a centimeter aside, he would get to know.

He opened his laptop and checked the history for any traces but it was empty with a line, 'Hope to see you soon'