Sky lost her mind after the kidnap(2)

Sam heard her and called out her name, "Sky!"

Arlo left her and stood aside. Sam went to her. Sam knew well how much ever she showed herself as strong, it was just an exterior hence he let her hug him.

Sky held his jacket and started crying which was held from the time she got into the car. Sam silently patted her until she calmed down.

She left his jacket after about five minutes and wiped her tears before asking, "Why did you run and come?" His heartbeat was very high, when she calmed down she noticed it and left to ask him.

Even though her voice was hoarse and cracking, it was audible. Arlo and Ryan were speechless after listening to her question. Sam calmly answered, "I didn't have time to get the car. The taxi won't come to the outskirts."