Sky lost her mind after the kidnap(3)

Arlo knew why he asked. "Ryan! Do you remember how she was asking?... CAN! Can the president of the sigma do this? She was just asking Sam about his opinion. She wasn't telling him that I did it... When everything around her ending at Sigma because of our presence around her, isn't it natural to get doubt and ask it to clear?" He paused and continued, "Sam knew we didn't do it. He would have said no and matter would close. I know you tried to protect me so why will I scold you?"

Ryan heard it patiently and asked earnestly, "I thought you will throw me out and drive her back to her place. Do you love me more than Sky?"

"No!" Arlo said without hesitation. "Just because I like her, I will not leave you. Anyway, you will pay for what you did?" Arlo had nothing in his mind to punish him. He just said stop the melancholy in the car.

"I knew it" Ryan glared at him and drove...