Shut up

When they were almost stable on the ground from rolling, they heard a loud bang and Sky let out another yelp as she shrunk and trembled under Arlo who had wrapped one hand around her head and another on her back.

Arlo heaved a sigh of relief thinking that was too close. He had acted swiftly seeing odd driving speed on campus and a swaying car. The car headlights weren't on and they didn't honk so it was difficult to notice the car under the dimly lit area. Either it was an intentional accident or drunk man lost his mind.

Arlo tried to get up but Sky's clutch was tighter on his jacket. He couldn't see her expression clearly but he could say her eyes were squeezed in and he could feel her quivering.

"Sky! I'm here. Don't worry. Calm down...." Arlo went on with his soothing tone.

Sky breathed in and out slowly and before composing herself. "Are you fine? Did you get hurt?" Sky left his jacket and asked him worriedly.