letting them off hook

Both remained silent until they reached Sigma hospital. Sky searched for left leg shoes and remembered she didn't take it and Arlo's side was empty.

She took a few deep breaths and to calm herself but Arlo opened the door and said, "Get down!"

"Why? Don't you want me to fly wearing one shoe?" Sky said and was removing other boot.

Thomson burst into laughter hearing her. Arlo bent down carried her in a swift move.

Sky slipped the shoes on the floor and scoffed, "One day I will die from heart attack because of you." She almost thought she bumped her head when he carried her out.

"Let me down, I will walk." Sky didn't dare to struggle in his arms thinking he would throw her down.

"Wheelchair or I will carry. You choose." Arlo said but he didn't stop at the wheelchair.

Sky hated wheelchair the most so remained mum. Thomson just followed them chuckling behind them.