She was bored

"You imagined, Didn't you? Shall we go shopping then?" Sky teased.

Sam got down from the car and went to her side. She had just removed her seat belt when he opened the door.

As soon as she got down, he slammed the door. Seeing him not able to say anything, Sky pursed her lips harder but her face turned red.

"If you stand here a one more minute, I will throw you under the bus." Sam scowled.

"Okay" She knew about reverse psychology hence before leaving she said, "Don't imagine too much."

Even though Sam was smart but he couldn't control his subconscious mind and again a picture of him wearing a white dress popped up.

He gritted his teeth and hopped on the car after allocating few members to guard the place.

Sky was the maid of honor hence Elina introduced everyone to her but she didn't remember any of those names as she didn't feel the necessity. She time passed some time with them.