
Elina rubbed her temples listening to their chattering. Peter had sternly warned her to keep everything secret about Sky's identity.

"He is her secretary. Get in." Elina tried to pull them in but they laughed at her.

"How can he be a secretary? Are you kidding us? He can be a model or actor with lots of female fans."

"She is dainty, He is ravishing. He is the CEO and she is a secretary. I got my new comic idea."

"Am I only one who wants to see him shirtless? He is soo hot."

"His mole is so appealing."



Their comments turned towards another side. Arlo noticed them and led Sky.

"Ms.Paxton, I'm dropping Ms.Sky. If there is  nothing, I will take her back now." Arlo saw only at Elina and spoke ignoring other admiring gazes on him.

Before Elina could reply, a woman asked, "Handsome! Are you really Sky's secretary?"