Leave the room

Sam and Arlo were dumbstruck. The former held her arms turning to him, "Didn't you see papers before signing?"

Sky promptly shook her head.

Arlo remembered while she was signing, her eyes were on him as she spoke to him and she didn't even check the certificates.

Sky, not knowing he was President Smith would be easier for him to coax her. If she gets to know, he was sure she won't let him stay by her side.

Even though he was happy he didn't show it on his face, "Are you planning to change your surname?"

Sky's lips twitched, "IN. YOUR. DREAMS."

She turned around and went towards the car. Sam shook his head resignedly, "YOU TWO have the lowest EQ."

He said and caught up to her. "Sky!"

Sky behaved normally with Sam and hummed in response without any cold or aloof attitude.

"Why did you marry him?" Sam asked after sitting in the car.