
Arlo wasn't angry at her. Instead, he was angry at himself. He had tried to make a conversation with her but she always ignored him mercilessly.

He asked in a low voice, "Sky! what is this?"

Sky raised her head and saw him looking at her, "I'm sorry! I thought it's sufficient for milk price and service charges."

By the end she finished, she kept one more note on the table and returned to go through a document on her laptop.

Sky noticed his hand moving towards her and leaned back on the couch without letting him touch her. Arlo wanted to have a talk with her face to face hence he wanted to pull her up.

Seeing her backing off, he went around the coffee table and sat next to her, "Can we talk?"

"Nope!" Sky replied straightforwardly and tried to go out but Arlo pulled her back to the couch as he made her face him.

"I know we had a bad start. Atle..." He couldn't get to finish his line.