
Sky was about to rebuke, Mia ran out from study and shouted, "I want to come. I want to come..."

"No!" Arlo said and pulled Sky towards the exit.

Sky shrugged his hand and thought there might be an emergency in-home but then changed it to Ray as reason, "Can't you speak? If I'm taking your time, you can leave. I never asked you to be with me."

Her voice wasn't high but it wasn't low either but her every word was cold like ice.

Sam was trying hard to control his laughter. He called Mia and tried to convince her not to continue the game but, "Sister Sky! I want to come. I want to come..."

Sam held Mia, "Your Handsome Arlo has to set something STRAIGHT today. So Sister Sky will be very busy."

Arlo's face turned pitch black as he clenched his fist and his knuckles turned white as a sheet of paper.

"Why are spouting nonsense?" Sky chided him without understanding him and faced Mia.