You are a Vampire(1)

It was a bombshell to Arlo's fragile heart. He glared at her. She was holding her heels and looked at him in horror.

'This dumb woman thought me as gay from day one.' Arlo thought to himself.

"Sky! Let's sit and talk. Come here." Arlo called again patiently.

Sky shook her head frantically, "I would have never allowed you in my room if I knew you are bis..."

Arlo didn't let her finish and grunted "Sky!"

Sky was vexed and saw Arlo again coming around bed near her. She climbed onto the bed.

"Why are you shouting at me? Why did you kiss me on Harley's anniversary? Because of you, I... Never mind, Question is why did you kiss me when you like Ray? Why are you cheating him?"