You are a vampire(2)

Arlo lightly shook his head.

"Let's sit and talk like civilized people. Get off." She had noticed him leaving a gap between them so that she shouldn't throw a fit. But their position wasn't good at all.

Arlo controlled his laughter, 'Civilized people? seriously?'

"Okay, I will ask you a question, if you tell me the truth, we will sit and talk." Arlo asked without breaking eye contact as he was sure she wouldn't lie like that.

When he heard Sky hum, he asked, "Will you run again if I get up?"

Sky hummed and realized she actually fell into his trap. Seeing her covering the face, Arlo couldn't help but chuckle.

"I will sit and talk." Sky said half-heartedly because she knew she would run.

"Oh!" Arlo saw her blushing. If it was before when she thought him as gay, how much ever they were near, she would still keep an indifferent face.