I will wear it

Arlo rubbed her hair, "Because you are worst at lying."

'Is this a compliment or criticize?' Sky thought to herself and smiled.

"Okay, Even brother Jai and Loran told the same. But don't you think there can be 'there must be some misunderstanding' option too? My brothers and You didn't even think about it even if it is just an example. How can you expect Andy to believe me leaving his fiance standing at the wedding ceremony surrounded by many guests?"

Arlo understood her well and hugged her without caring they were in front of a mall outside.

"So I convinced my brothers not to bother with Gills."

Seeing herself in other's shoes was her strength and her weakness too.

Sky raised her head to know why he was hugging her. Seeing her craning her neck and her forehead was next to his lips. He pecked and spoke, "Warming you up."