What goes around, comes around.

Everyone was looking at her.

Her face turned pale as her walking pace turned slow and she went towards her parents as her heartbeat raised saying something was off.

She saw a bridesmaid run inside and went towards the front. She slowly glanced ahead and saw, Andy was in the same cream-colored suit with similar detailing as the gown she wore.

She froze.

She prayed what she was thinking shouldn't be the case but hubbub increased more. Jai and Loran held her.

Jai held her shoulders and said "Sky! Don't panic."

Loran held her hand tightly.

Sky didn't know whether she should cry or not. She didn't know how the incident was going to end up. But she was sure she wasn't going justify or explain to Andy unless he trusts her.

'Why did she set me up?' Was the only question in her mind. She felt suffocated when eyes on her increased as they seized her up.